Benefits of a Home Inspection
One of the most important aspects to buying a new home is the home inspection. While that might seem like an obvious statement, the truth is that real estate agents often find themselves explaining the value of a true professional, licensed home inspector. What can you expect from a home inspection?

A good inspection should take several hours and your inspector will do a thorough investigation of the major systems. This will include health and safety issues as well as the major systems and appliances. Depending on the qualifications of the inspector, you might also get a mold inspection with the report.
A good basic list of items checked is:
• Electrical systems, breakers, GFIs, outlets, power
• Plumbing systems, draining, leaks, water pressure
• Appliances, dishwasher, oven, garbage disposal and any additional built-in units
• Furnace and Air Conditioning units
• Fire and Safety, fireplace gas, chimney flue and spark arrestor
• Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors
• Roof, broken tiles, evidence of leaks
• Water heater
• Windows and doors
• Outside drainage and sprinklers
• Basic structural damage or signs of additional problems
A thorough and professional home inspection by a licensed home inspector is money well spent. It’s insurance against surprises down the road.
If you have any questions please give me a call! Remember..
...For anything Real Estate, Call Kate!
Kate Montrony
Licensed Sales Agent
(631) 960-8881